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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coming to a America!

Ok, so technically I already AM in America, but today was special: We had my immigration interview with the USCIS (the old INS) and were APPROVED!!!!

After submitting tons of forms and proof of joint finances, basically after proving that our great marriage is actually real -duh- I will now be getting my Green Card in, say, less than a month. Oh, and it isn't green...

This also means that I will be able to travel again, since I was stuck here for the last 14 months. (Poor me.)
There will definitely be a trip to the Netherlands in my near future, plus, I'm getting my ass to sweet warm Megggggico in February.

Ha! I'd wanted to restart blogging with a bang, so there ya have it. Bangin' away in the US of A!


Blogger Doortje said...

Congrats!! (Gefeliciteerd)
Oh, the road it takes to get a green card.
Happy Traveling to the Netherlands!
You will be surprised how different it is after being away for that long.
My last visit was four years ago (shame on me)
The city I grew up in changed that much, I had never seen a "busbaan" and thought is was mighty fine to use as a bike lane!! ooops.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 3:49:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Tijm said...

Ha Famke,

Wat fijn dat het nu eindelijk (bijna) rond is. Ik weet dat het soms enorm lang kan duren, burocratie..............
Misschien kun je Mexico overslaan en in februari naar Nederland komen en dan de handwerkbeurs in Zwolle bezoeken zodat breiend Nederland je weer eens live ziet?
Geintje, ga in die koude wintermaand amar mooi naar de zon!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 6:58:00 AM GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wat leuk dat je weer eens langskomt! Wel even aankondigen, he!

Mexico lijkt mij gaaf - jullie gaan toch niet alleen naar Cancun of zo, he?

Ik had plannen voor 1 mnd Peru in de winter 2009/2010, maar ivm nieuwe baan in het onderwijsveld is het erg de vraag of dat lukt - of ze moeten mij ontslaan ;-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 9:51:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger ButterPeanut said...

congratulations on your entry in the green (pink) card club! Also, it's hilarious that a Dutch person would write "megggico". But what I really meant to say was...

America! Fuck yeah!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 4:08:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Gini said...

hé geweldig.
Alles verder goed?

Ik hoop dat je op tijd een gil geeft als je naar nederland komt!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 12:26:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Mari said...

Californie is erg dichtbij, wist je dat?

Maar gefeliciteerd!

Zeg, woon je dicht bij Seattle? Ik ben daar de 30e.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 5:50:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger José said...

Gefeliciteerd! Wel raar dat je pas het land weer uit mag als je eindelijk weet dat je mag blijven ;-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 9:54:00 AM GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations you Yank, you! We should celebrate. ;)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 4:02:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Unknown said...

ow, yes!!! i cannot wait to give you a real life hug!!!

greetz, Niek

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 6:44:00 AM GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats of lations....

Monday, November 24, 2008 at 12:07:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger unraveledgal said...

So very happy for you. Where will you travel to in Mexico? We go often - so if you need any tips, drop me a line.

Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 4:42:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Marisol said...

Congratulations all the way around! Wow you are official and hey I am so excited for you on the baby in the making:) I was thinking about you earlier this week --wondering if you were expecting yet:)

Monday, January 12, 2009 at 3:44:00 PM GMT+1  

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