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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Ok then, a real quickie: I've been running around like a madwoman this past week, so I haven't found much time to hang online.
Worked on my awesome apartment all weekend till late in the evening, painting the walls and such, and then started my new job last Monday.
Crazy timing, but's everything's going well; my colleagues seem like a great bunch of people and I got a big bouquet of red flowers sitting in my unfurnished concrete flat. I'm not really starting until next Thursday, but in the mean time I'm doing some paperwork and getting to know the organization. Yup, I think I'm gonna like it there.

As for the apartment, you're going to get the total Before shots, so pre-paintjob. The Next Befores will have to wait until next week, after the move on Sunday. All walls are getting the white treatment first, and then I'll let time and lighting decide what's next colorwise. And there's a lot of work still ahead: Never knew that putting in laminate flooring is such tricky business. Sure, I'm saving over €330,- doing it myself, but holy shit does it SUCK...

Bye for now, wish me lots of Peace and good old "having-my-shit-togetherness"...
Kitchen & Bed Room 1 Living Room View I
Dining Room? Living Room View II
Nedermom!! Bob Ross


Blogger Carry said...

Love the new place!!! :) Can't wait to see the "after" shots...

Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 12:14:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Tijm said...

Bedankt voor de foto's! Kunnen we extra meegenieten!

Inderdad nog veel werk.Jammer dat we niet dichter bij elkaar wonen, anders had ik je Tijmman uitgeleent om het laminaat te leggen. Hij heeft er helemaal een handje van omdat hij heel de studentenwoning van onze zoon heeft vol gelegd. Speciaal gereedschap heeft aangeschaf en in zijn eentje het zomaar heeft liggen.
Succes dus nog even.

Maarre...............heb ik wat gemist??? Ik wist nog neit van je baan???
Waar en wat??

Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 7:07:00 AM GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

't ziet er in ieder geval ruim uit! sterkte met verhuizen en alles er omheen, en véél succes in je nieuwe baan.

Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 7:25:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ruim en licht! Heb je spierpijn?

Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 8:10:00 AM GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh jee, laminaat leggen... Ik weet er alles van! M'n vriend en m'n vader hebben net twee verdiepingen gelegd. Succes!

Heb je trouwens gezien dat de sock-partners of knittyboard bekend zijn gemaakt?

groetjes Jenneke

Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 2:12:00 PM GMT+1  

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