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Monday, June 26, 2006

Dude! Just have to post about this...

Just a couple days ago, and because I didn't have enough WIPs already, I signed up to a Knitalong for an early 20th century Dutch knitting sampler piece called the Sampler M Knitalong organised by one of my fellow SnB'ers from Utrecht. I just checked back in, and dude, it's RAINING applicants from all over the world! Over 330 now; this could get very interesting!

The kick off --I don't care if the Dutch got sent home, I'm still in World Cup mood-- is on July 1st, and I keep sneaking in to see if the first pattern's been posted yet, but nah, I should know better.
In stead of the super thin cotton yarn and miniature needles that the original calls for, I got two big balls of cheapo undyed crochet yarn that should do the trick on 2mm needles.

Maybe I'll see you there July 1st!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you have already expirienced bungy jumping or you plan to! Are you playing card games? You smell pretty hazardous!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 7:54:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

539 members, first pattern online and almost 800 posts.....

You can still join!

Carla M

Tuesday, July 4, 2006 at 10:17:00 AM GMT+2  

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