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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Seattle Knitting Expo

Yay, it's April 30th, and I'm off to the Seattle Knitting Expo in a few hours!
Things've been great around here these past few days, except for some rain, but hey, it's Seattle, whaddayaexpect!
In my next post I will share with you some pics of my new "nook" on the deck; we bought this set of Ikea garden furniture and I'm all psyched that I managed to put everything together in an hour and a half. (Hey man, chicks with power tools rule! We shall conveniently disregard the fact that I put one of the chairs' backs on inside-out, shall we?)

Furthermore, there are some great Before and After pics of the bedroom coming up! Yeah, I've been quite the little Martha Stewart here...

Hmm, I kinda missed the big Queen's Day celebration. I cooked some kick-ass Flemish fries and ate them with mayonnaise, drank a Grolsch beer, and I also heated a stroopwafel, but it's still not quite the same.. I didn't even have any orange clothing to wear!

Do have some fun news tho: next Saturday, we are taking off to Salt Lake City. Dave will be talking to some customers there and we're also meeting up with his folks. It should be a lot of fun! I only met them once before, but they were very cool.
I'm reading Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven right now, so I'm really focused on taking in as much as I can of the whole Mormon thing while I'm over there. See the big temple and all that good stuff. Get your hands on that book, it's quite a shocking read!

As for the previous book I talked about, the Kite Runner.... Man, it was too painful, I had to stop reading. (That has never happened to me before, by the way.) By the time I was halfway through, I was sobbing like a little girl, and at the book club meeting, it had other girls crying too. It's a very intense and powerful book, but I can't deal with reading about injustice and violence to such an extent. Ugh...
The book we're reading for next month is King Dork, more of a young adult high school kinda book, or so I've heard. We ordered it from Amazon, and tossed in two Dutch courses with audio cassettes while we were at it! Woohoo, sweetie's gonna learn Dutch!
It should make for a very educational trip to Utah!! ;)

See ya tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, MJ!

I had such fun Tuesday night - it was really good to be with a happy bunch of knitters. I hope Elise has kept up with her swatch - the girl's a natural.

I'm with you about not being able to finish books that deal with extreme injustice and/or violence. I couldn't even start Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy. I knew in advance that it's about ritual genital mutilation of little African and Asian girls, usually performed by the girl's own grandmother! I was afraid of falling into some major depression at the injustice and, yes, ignorance of the whole thing. Ugh, just couldn't go there.

On a brighter note, see you on 5/16!

Thursday, May 4, 2006 at 11:45:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Priscilla said...

Hi MJ Dearest,

Wat ontzettend leuk om te lezen dat je het zo naar je zin hebt in de US. Kom je nog wel een beetje aan breien toe? Hier heb ik een nieuw virus erbij gekregen; ik heb het Happy Hooker virus! Misschien leuk voor daar met het warme weer?


Sunday, May 7, 2006 at 6:23:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there you go, all forgetting rule #1 for expats... bring something orange!
so you didn't get to chase the bitterballen at the consulate either? sheesh, must have been an odd queen's day.
keep well eh?

Monday, May 8, 2006 at 12:25:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo José hoe gaat het ermee holadihey je Engels is echt vooruit gegaan poeh poeh. Ik word groter en groter en groter. Hopelijk kan ik je binnenkort foto's sturen. We zijn blij te horen dat alles goed gaat! Groeten aan Dave en aan Mingus en zijn nieuwe vriend.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 2:40:00 PM GMT+2  

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