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Friday, April 07, 2006

MJ in da USAiii

Wow, can't believe it's been a week already! I promise I'll keep you guys updated. ;)
I can tell you the trip was a horror story, and I would probably never do it again. Poor lil Mingus was howling the entire trip and had a little accident on the way to Washington Dulles. (Could've been the turbulence that finally did him in.) It. was. not. cool.
We did arrive safely though, and the boys are starting to get reacquainted. They seem to have at least one similar interest:
Zee Post-Lunch Nap!

The relationship between Mingus and Dave's cat Stinkers is still experiencing some difficulties, often resulting in Spaghetti Western-style Staring Contests [Cue Ennio Morricone]:

I'm thoroughly enjoying myself here, doing some house and yardwork -no real job on a tourist visa!- and I also got some knitting time in. Finally gave up on the Jaywalkers; I couldn't get the right amount of stitches that would work without the sock getting too tight, AND that would have a snug cuff at the same time. Meh.
So after some consultation with the prospective owner, I decided on going plain old rib. For his pleasure. :)

See the start of a cute little Eye of Partidge heel there?
These hippy socks are going to kick some serious ass!

So. We're planning to drive to the Pacific coast tomorrow for some quality time and sightseeing. Maybe go hiking on Sunday.
We're taking the short bus, which is fully geared for camping trips, so we'll have a great time!

Enjoy your weekend and happy knittin y'all! ;)
Love, Taffy Turner, inside America, so you don't have to be.


Blogger carrym said...

Now those DO look like some serious hippie socks! ;)

So glad to have you here!!! Can't wait to hook up. Enjoy your trip to the coast, it's gorgeous out there! If you're high enough up on the peninsula, make Dave take you to the rain forest, it's incredible...

Saturday, April 8, 2006 at 6:10:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taffy Turner!! It brings memory and smile on my face! Thanks for remind me!

Sunday, April 9, 2006 at 1:26:00 AM GMT+2  

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