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Monday, April 24, 2006

Loving the weather!

Hello, I'm back! ;o)
I'm sorry, but staying indoors behind a computer screen is the last thing I want to do when the weather is as awesome as it's been in the past few weeks! Things are still going great, and I'm really starting to get settled in.
I needed that.
So. We spent the weekend planting all kinds of veggies in the garden and I've made a few great pots for on the deck. One with fuchsias and one with various herbs, like basil, oregano and my alltime favorite, CILANTRO!

On the Weight Watchers front: I've lost over 4 pounds so far, but dammit, I really need to stick to it more. And that's hard 'cause there's a gazillion things here that I've never seen before.. And don't even get me started about the portion sizes!!!
(I read in some magazine that American portion sizes can be about eight (!) times bigger than recommended. The only thing I like about the whole thing is that I'm not really a "big" girl here. Let's just say the asses match the portion sizes. ;o)

So, you might ask, if you're not in front of a monitor, and not even watching TV, what are you up to, girl? Well, just enjoying our time together. We've been out to dinner a few times, and I also went out with Dave's neighbor Jessie and her girlfriends last week. I was not really in the mood at first, but by 2 AM, acouple Heinekens, and a few karaoke-runs later, I was having a ball!
This Saturday, Dave and I went to a show in Seattle with a couple of friends, called the ButtRock Suites. Based on 80's "butt rock", like Bon Jovi and the Scorpions, these modern dancers make some hilarious performances with even more hilarious outfits. Afterwards, we went out for a giant pizza, and were joined by the entire cast later on, which was pretty cool.
The next morning, we hear there's been more shootings in downtown Seattle. Eek! What's up with all that?!

On the knitting front, there's not a whole lot to mention, really. I was invited by Neighbor Jessie to join her book club, and they're meeting up this Wednesday. As I'm really trying to meet new people here, I jumped at the opportunity. Sooooooo, that means I have to now speed-read my way through The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a book about Afghanistan in the 70s and now. I'll let you know how that turned out!
I may just go to the Stitch 'n' Bitch in Federal Way tomorrow, but only if I'm up for it. Since I do not have a license, I have to rely on Dave to drive me all over the place, and that can get a little awkward. He doesn't mind at all, but I do...

Oh, I did manage to crank out this funky alien dishcloth one afternoon when I was teaching Jessie to knit:

I mean, if you're going to be knitting a damn dish cloth, it might as well be a cool one!

Ok, I'm signing off and going to take a walk outside. It's going to be 70/21 degrees here today! April doet wat 'ie wil! ;o)


Blogger Nico said...

Heb ik net een heel verhaal getypt, is het weer weg!

Fijn dat je het zo naar je zin hebt daar. Je bent in ieder geval wel lekker bezig! Misschien is dit ook wel iets voor jou:

Hier is het sinds vandaag ook zomer, ben benieuwd hoe lang het duurt. Ik kan er helaas niet echt van genieten, want ik zit de hele dag opgesloten in jouw/mijn kamer. Maar het gaat goed met mijn scriptie, nog 3 weken doorbijten!

Van UWP heb ik nog weinig nieuws. Voor de meereizende baan ben ik niet aangenomen en de vooruitreizende functie is komen te vervallen. Ze zijn nu bezig met het creëren van een nieuwe functie waar ze 4 mensen voor nodig hebben. Zodra de functieomschrijving af is hoor ik meer, maar in principe kom ik daar wel voor in aanmerking. Ze houden het dus nog even spannend. Maar ik zal je op de hoogte houden hoor.

Geef Mingus een dikke knuffel van me en voor jou natuurlijk ook eentje.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 2:42:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Nico said...

De URL is weggevallen. Je kunt ook hier klikken.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 2:48:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, ik zal voor je duimen nicoliene! MJ ik probeerde je te mailen mar dat lukte niet, snif, kun je mij het correcte adres mailen svp? ik heb zulk leuk nieuws!!!!

Greetz, de andere Niek

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 8:17:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger roxy =^o^= said...

Hi sweety!
Love the blog!

Just a quick fly-by knittyhead hug and hope you are doing well!

Talk to you later,

PS- you have the most awesome red hair I've ever seen (profile pic)

Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 4:50:00 PM GMT+2  

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