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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

For we are jolly good bitches

Today we're celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Utrecht Stitch 'n Bitch.
(Read that, Sew Fast, Sew Easy? STITCH N BITCH!!)

We're having dinner at this nice Chinese place. I'll bring along the digicam to show you guys what we got up to.

P.s. I secretly cast on a Crusoe sock from Knitty with the MJ's Laces. I am now seriously in denial about my mom's cardi. I'll be finishing it this month, honest, but I just can't stand that rough Summer Tweed, or its boring color. Or the thought of having to put the damn thing together.
So what have we learned from this experience?

1. We don't like Summer Tweed
2. We don't like the way Rowan writes down instructions
3. We don't like knitting with neutrals
4. We like knitting in the round
5. We don't like endless rows of stockinette on straights

All that in a P.S.? It must be your lucky day! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you had a good time last night in Paradise, celebrating our first anniversary. I'm still hiding under my blankie, fighting the Evil Cold of Doom... shiver...

are your MJ Lace socks as pretty as my Hagebutte Fiesta socks?

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at 11:45:00 AM GMT+1  

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