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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Brutally early, for the Queen of Slack

You know it's very, very wrong when you're on your way to work and the streets are empty. Mind you, it was still quite dark when I hopped on my bike at 6.20 in the drizzle. (Fo' shizzle!)

But what an interesting day! A bomb threat -false alarm-, a car crash and a crazy woman I must've put through to the dispatch center at least a dozen times.

I did quite well on my first day and got my first encounters with fine police humor while putting colleagues through to colleagues. (I'll put a more detailed social study into that and report back later, promise.)

I was also supposed to answer the 112/911 phone at times, and it was really tricky to get my ear adjusted to the specific 112 ringing sound.
All in all, I am POOPED!

Up at 5.45 again tomorrow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering - do you consider writing a book (or novel) according your experiences (future ones)at work? If you do - count me as a buyer and reader!

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 8:39:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Elisabeth Lincoln said...

Wow, definitely an interesting day.
It's been drizzling alot here too. Better than snow in Nov. though.

Thursday, November 3, 2005 at 4:16:00 PM GMT+1  

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