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Sunday, June 12, 2005

News from the frontlines

Yey everybody who reads this: thanks for being stubborn enough to keep visiting! (Pettie, Sandra, spirals, you know who you are.)
I've been so busy with school stuff that blogging, and even knitting, have been the last things on my mind. In fact, last Friday marked the first day that I knitted in my new place, but luckily, there's been no way back! ;)

I picked up my French Market Bag again, which had been lying in the WIP corner for a couple months. (Yes, I'm ADD like that.) I finished the bottom and joined the new yarn; a gorgeous blue Rowan Yorkshire Tweed. The best thing about the yarns is the fact that the purple has litle specks of blue and vice versa. I'd show you with a pic, but it's a little too dark now. The lighting in my room is not up to speed yet.

And there's a been little knitting revolutiuon: I can now KNIT WITHOUT LOOKING! Look ma, no hands! Woot! So anyway, I've made good progress.
With regards to the Cinnamon cardi for my mom, I'm getting a little nervous. I had a lot of difficulties with the arm hole decreases, but I was told by the experienced knitters at SnB Amsterdam that Rowan has the most difficult instructions ever. So I don't feel too incompetent. But will I finish the thing before my mom's birthday on July 13, that's the question. Stay tuned and happy knitting to all! ;)


Blogger Emily said...

Hi there, I've been checking forth and back and was thinking about you, knowing you had exams and such! :D It's that time of the year! Hope all went well!

Een vraagje, ik weet niet eens of het gaat, maar ik heb een leuk patroon gezien in het Duits. Ik weet dat jullie over het algemeen beter Duits kunnen dan wij Vlamingen, maar ik weet natuurlijk niet hoe goed jij het kent. Ik kan wel Duits verstaan en lezen, maar een breipatroon is toch nog iets heel anders. Dus ik ben gewoon op zoek naar iemand die kan vertalen ...

Nog veel brei-plezier!!


Sunday, June 12, 2005 at 10:56:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wellcome back! Hope to see some knitting pictures soon.

And, don't worry about not commenting my every entry - sometimes there are nothing to be commented.

Yes, I know you are on my notification list. That is what I do with blogs that have one. Why don't you have?

And another question - why don't you get message board?

Monday, June 13, 2005 at 12:15:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Nederlass said...

Hoi Emily, dank dat je aan me denkt!
Hmm my German is ok, but I've never tried knitting anything from a German pattern. I do know a German knitter though. I'll see if I can ask her.

Dobra Vecher Sandra! I do have a notifications list. It's the little "Subscribe to Bloglines" button in the sidebar. ;) But maybe I have to make that a little clearer.
And a message board could be fun. I'll have a look into that.

Monday, June 13, 2005 at 12:27:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger spirals said...

hey dawling. i was worried that i was never going to hear from you again :) im glad to see your back and im glad that i dont have school to worry about to interupt my knitting time.. hahaha...
have a great day adios mi amiga

Monday, June 13, 2005 at 3:57:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Unknown said...

hallo spatz!
i hope the 'all work and no play" attitude has dwendled some! ha!
i'm picking up my frenchy as well. i have a favor to ask you.......

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 2:17:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Unknown said...

i will always read your blog! es ist doch alles so toll!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 2:17:00 AM GMT+2  

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