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Monday, March 28, 2005

Best thing about Easter? Hunting eggs!

Don't know if I caught the Peterpandemonium virus, but this year I begged my Dad to hide some Easter eggs and get me a big chocolate bunny. (Ok, technically I said I wouldn't come if he didn't.)

So here you have me (27) and baby sis (25) hunting my dad's backyard for some self painted (ahem) hard boiled eggs. And chocolate bunnies..

Best Easter since I was 4!
Eureka! Me doing my best Easter bunny impression Eve's found one Where are those little buggers hiding? Here eggy eggy Nicely set table

Oh, and I also did some more knitting on Cinnamon; finished the second skein, and almost done with the back now.


Blogger spirals said...

chocolate..mmmm fun...

im back from san francisco... it sure was a blast... havent written much but i did post pics...
its a really fun place for sure...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 10:46:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger spirals said...

seattle eh. you been there before? i have been there 3 times but only for a few days at a time. you gotta definately check out the experience music project.... its crazy! its so wild looking.. and theres this really cool musical fountain you can play in the water near it.. so fun... and the radio station.. 99.9fm at 4:20 everyday they do a countdown till 4:20 then they have a beep and its like a big smokin weed moment.. so fun.. do you folks celebrate 4:20 over there?? its a fun day and time...

Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 10:01:00 PM GMT+2  

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